Saturday, July 8, 2017

Lead/Case assignment rules reassigns the assigned leads/cases from the individual owner to the Queue.

Lead/Case assignment rules reassigns the assigned leads/cases from the individual owner to the Queue.

Assignment rules in Salesforce are very handy when it comes to managing the cases and leads in the incoming queue. However,sometimes it can be tricky to manage the assignments as the assignment rule will be triggered every time the record is edited and the record's check box  “Assign using active assignment rules” is set to true. What happens is that the record already accepted and owned by the specific users is put through the assignment rules and is reassigned to respective queues based on the criteria. 
The workaround is to instruct users to uncheck the box on every edit. Apparently, this is not a user-friendly solution as the users normally forget to address ending up the record to flow through the assignment rules again.

The easiest way to overcome this is to set the “Assign using active assignment rules” check box by default and hide it from the page layout properties. By doing this the user experience of managing the checkbox would be appreciated.

Even with this it does not solved the issue with assignment rules. Though the checkbox is invisible, it is set and thus the record flows through the assignment rules behind the scenes.
The solution is to modify the assignment rules to bypass the record edits. Add the following step in the assignment rules with 1st order so that any record edit would be skipped from reassigning.
The first order assignment criteria must be 'NOT(ISNEW())' and the Assigned to must be 'Same user'. 

Spam emails on from web to lead form? The Web-to-Lead: reCAPTCHA Web Form Validation from Salesforce

Are you tired of spam emails on from web to lead form? The Web-to-Lead: reCAPTCHA Web Form Validation from Salesforce is available with Spring’17 release to Frustrate spammers and improve the quality of your sales teams’ leads. The reCAPTCHA widget requires interested customers to select a checkbox before they can submit an inquiry about your product. Enabling spam filtering lets sales reps focus on actual prospects, and not on spam leads.

In order to implement this on your web to lead form, you have to follow the below steps. The reCAPTCHA widget from Salesforce is compatible with Google reCAPTCHA.

Click on the link below to generate the google reCAPTCHA. In order to proceed, you must have a google account.

you are in the page below. Click on the get reCAPTCHA

Choose the type of reCAPTCHA you would like to embed in the form. Each of them has its own advantage and the user experience. The types are self-explanatory.

I choose the reCAPTCHA V2. And the domain name

Click and register.

The end of the wizard generates a Site key and Secret key. This is the KEY pair to be entered in the web-to-lead form in Salesforce.
You can manage these keys with google as long as you have your google account.

In the salesforce org, under the set-up quick find fox, type web-to-lead and navigate to web-to-lead form generation step below. Check the box Enable spam filtering (by default it is checked) Click on the loop up lens add the Key Pair.

The lookup is blank as there are no key pair in my org now. Click on new and add the keys

Fill the keys generated from Google and save it with a nickname.

Back in the web-to-lead form, click to generate the html script.

The HTML generated has the reCAPTCHA incorporated as seen below.

When you embed this code in the website, the below feature would appear on the form and filter your spam bots.

Lead/Case assignment rules reassigns the assigned leads/cases from the individual owner to the Queue.

Lead/Case assignment rules reassigns the assigned leads/cases from the individual owner to the Queue. Assignment rules in Salesforce a...